64 People enjoyed the Christmas Lunch at Slepe Hall, St, Ives, last Wednesday (8th December 2021), which was held in a Covid-19 compliant manner in the large Brunel suite.
People registered and bought raffle tickets on the way in, and Acorn is indebted to everyone who contributed prizes, which made the princely sum of £236 on the day, a further £50 was made by the sale of Jan’s handbags and accessories.
After a very nice meal we were entertained by John Pilbeam and Adrian Acton who got together, and played and sang many festive melodies, and we were given the chance to sing along with a few songs which everyone enjoyed immensely.
The occasion is traditionally a time when we like to give a morale booster to our members, and thank all the Volunteers and Therapists who give their time during the year.